What is the Vas Deferens a Continuation of

Vas deferens pain can signify a number of other conditions that male patients need to be aware of. Although acute pain is not worrisome, when you start to have chronic pain, it is important to get to the bottom of what is causing it and treat it quickly.

The vas deferens is an important anatomical component of the male genitalia; it is a channel responsible for transferring sperm from your testicles into your urethra during sexual intercourse [1]. Normally, the vas deferens is a well-protected structure, but when you start to noticevas deferens pain,it will become difficult for you to deal with it.

Here, we will explore some of the reasons why you could have vas deferens pain, what symptoms you need to watch out for, and finally we will take a look atvas deferens pain treatment.

Causes of Vas Deferens Pain

When you try to get to the bottom of what is causing your vas deferens pain, it can be quite difficult to determine if the problem is with the vas deferens itself, or with other adjoining organs that could be inflamed. Most of the time, any discomfort you feel in this area will be caused by an issue within another structure entirely.

  • Chronic orchialgiais one possible reason for why you could have vas deferens pain. This is a medical condition defined by the chronic inflammation of your testicles for a period of at least 3 months. Not only will chronic orchialgia manifest as testicular pain, but if you are living with this condition, you can also experience moving pain in your vas deferens, epididymis, and scrotum. [2]
  • Inflammation of the epididymis is another possible cause in cases when patients may reportvas deferens pain. The epididymis is an organ that is responsible for sperm maturation and it can become inflamed when you have chronic bacterial infections [3].
  • Vascular strangulation is a form of testicular torsion, and it could also be a potentially dangerous cause ofvas deferens pain.
  • Vasitis, an inflammation of the vas deferens that can be caused by an infection, very rarely happens on its own, without other nearby structures also being affected, but cases have been described in the medical literature. It may be caused by the same bacteria responsible for regular urinary tract infections which, yes, can also affect men.
  • The last thing to consider that can be possible is some type of mass that has presented in your vas deferens as well as your other sexual organs. What could be causing yourvas deferens paincould be due to some type of malignancy. Testicular cancer can manifest in its later stages as chronic vas deferens pain. Risk factors for testicular cancer include a family history or conditions like cryptorchidism. This is a condition where the testicles fail to descend into your scrotal sack and can it affect up to4 percentof male infants. Patients will a history of this condition should regularly meet with their urologists in order to determine if any nodules are present on the testicles to catch testicular cancer early. [4]

Symptoms You Should Watch Out For when you Have Vas Deferens Pain

Regardless of the underlying cause of vas deferens pain,the symptoms that a patient will present with will largely be similar. Whether a patient may have epididymitis, chronic orchialgia or some type of malignancy, they will present with mostly unilateral pain, pain that presents on only one side.

To help differentiate these further, you will often have epididymitis, an inflammation of the epididymis, following an infection with some type of sexually transmitted disease (STD). Patients will often be infected with pathogens such as Chlamydiaor N. gonorrheaso patients may also present with some type of foul-smelling discharge from the penis. [5]

Testicular torsion is associated with a type of vas deferens pain that will occur quite suddenly. Patients tend to present more often at night when the vascular structure is relaxed. Veins that remove blood from the penis can be entangled accidentally and this sudden pressure can strangulate and engorge all sex organs. It is hard to pinpoint exact risk factors that can predispose patients to testicular torsion, but the anatomy of the testicles seems to be a risk factor to consider. Testicular torsion can be easily diagnosed using an ultrasound to check the vascular blood flow in order to save the testicles and other sex organs like the vas deferens from further damage. [6]

The hardest patient to diagnose correctly is one that will present without any obvious symptoms. Testicular cancer is a potential cause of vas deferens pain that will begin as a small nodule on the surface of your testicle without any other signs of disease. Only when the vascular becomes more complex as the tumor enlarges will you being to notice not only pain in your testicle but also a residual pain as lymph nodes become engorged in the surrounding vas deferens. Patients who have prior risk factors should routinely self-examine their testicles by massaging the surface to determine if they can palpate (feel) any lumps and report them to their doctor immediately if they suspect something irregular. [7]

Treatment Options for Vas Deferens Pain

Vas deferens pain treatmentdepends solely on the underlying cause of the pain. In cases of chronic inflammation of the testicles or the epididymis, the best option for patients to find relief is to take antibiotic therapy to kill the infection that caused the inflammation. Making sure patients practice safe sex is another proactive approach to stop patients from ever contracting any STD that can lead to chronic inflammation. [8]

If vascular supply is the underlying cause of a patient's vas deferens pain, time is a luxury that you do not have in this circumstance. You need to get to an Emergency Department as quickly as possible if you hope to keep your testicles. Patients need to have surgery to untangle the vessels and remove any necrotic (dying) tissue that could have formed during the time the blood supply was cut off. [9]

Testicular cancer presents another reason for patients to have their testicles removed. Any form of nodule needs to be removed surgically so the pathologists can determine the type of cancer that you may have. Radiation therapy will subsequently follow to make sure cancer has been completely eradicated. Thankfully, testicular cancer has one of the best prognoses of all types of cancer so even metastatic cancer can often be treated successfully. [10]


Source: https://www.steadyhealth.com/articles/vas-deferens-pain-causes-symptoms-and-treatment

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